by Melissa Boudreau | May 4, 2020 | Blog
One thing I’ve personally been working hard on during this time is my mind & body. I’ve always struggled with slowing down. I am not perfect and I’ve definitely had full days where I’ve rested and was not productive. But my daily goals are the following:...
by Melissa Boudreau | Mar 4, 2020 | Blog, Endometriosis
Last night wrapped up a 45-day challenge at my gym, I have participated in this challenge before twice. (Skipped 2019) I was hesitant to sign up this year because I was scared that it would be too much since I have not felt well since early 2018. 🙁 The challenge is...
by Melissa Boudreau | Jan 5, 2020 | Blog
2019 taught me acceptance, empathy, love, and rest. As I reflect from 30k feet…on my top nine. Just like you, I had many ups and downs. This year I worked very hard to shift my perspective no matter how positive or negative the situation was. I still am working on...
by Melissa Boudreau | Dec 15, 2019 | Blog, Endometriosis, Uncategorized
Just say no. Please don’t feel like you have to do it all, take rest and be self-aware when you need to relax. Stop for a nap, movie, or even reading a few pages in your novel. You have to protect your boundaries, especially during this time of year. Travel. If you...
by Melissa Boudreau | Sep 21, 2019 | Blog, Endometriosis
Pain changes you. All types of pain. Physical & Emotional. You have to decide HOW it changes you. For me, it’s taught me gratitude & empathy. Gratitude for what I do have vs things I don’t. Empathy for I know everyone is going through something behind closed...
by Melissa Boudreau | Aug 25, 2019 | Blog, Endometriosis
When I woke up on day two after the most intense surgery to date (day one I did not move much at all), I knew I needed to try and walk and move a bit, this is key to the healing process, although very hard. I will never forget these two moments; I rolled to the side,...