In 2016, I stepped out of my comfort zone of cardio bunny & yoga lady to try something new. I began a journey of lifting weights, not just the 5/10 lb weights I was comfortable lifting. It took me several months to join the gym because the weight lifting section of any gym has always intimidated me. I began to ditch all the crazy cardio and hired a strength coach to help me figure out what to do. My initial motivation was to lose weight.
But I had no idea how strength training would change my life and transform my recovery.
Is this hard if you have endo? Yes, BUT I always felt better after getting to the gym, and on the super high pain days, I rested. I learned strength training is much less intense and healing for endo vs. crazy cardio.
I was able to get up and move without support on day two! The past surgeries could take up to 4-14 days. My muscles were strong enough to support me even though I had a 6/7 hour procedure with 40 lesions removed and part of my bowel. I was shocked.
Strength training not only helped me lose 25-30lbs while I was very ill, leading up to this procedure; it paid off as it made me physically and mentally prepared to handle this severe surgery.
I made a starter program for people with endo; it’s on my website. Check it out, maybe try it out. Let me know what you think. — link in bio.
Love and light thank you for reading.