The Blog
Chronic illness and denial.
Somedays being chronically ill reminds me of my daily denials that I can do it all, then something happens and the pain, denial, and sadness of this reality slap me in the face. I surrender to the pain and begin to deeply think about what I am really doing. At one...
Chronic illness is unpredictable, a story.
Chronic illness is unpredictable. No matter how much yoga, meditation, diet adjustments, supplements, heating pads, acupuncture, medications, stress reduction, positive mindset, & surgery, there is still pain. Picture this; you are feeling good, having a great...
Sunday Night Walk Thoughts- COVID 19
*written on April 5th, 2020 Shall we never again take for granted again... Hugs Travel Health Doctors Nurses Anyone who works in a hospital EMS Police Firefighters Postal Workers Fed Ex, UPS, Amazon staff All service employees Meetings Conferences Gyms Busy...
Fear is an interesting thing.
Over the past several years I have been posting about my journey. Mostly the highlights but the lows as well. As a pretty private person to even those who are very close to me; being honest, vulnerable, and open on social media can be difficult. I do not deal well...
Quarantine body & mind.
One thing I’ve personally been working hard on during this time is my mind & body. I’ve always struggled with slowing down. I am not perfect and I’ve definitely had full days where I’ve rested and was not productive. But my daily goals are the following:...
The journey has not been comfortable.
*Originally posted on Instagram The journey has not been media often does not show you the hard parts of life. I am about to open up about my body image. If you have followed me here for a bit, you know I was on a journey to get strong and lean....
Quotes I like.
You develop your passion you don’t find it. Keep going you’ll figure out what you want. Show up and take action on what you want Stop thinking and make decisions What are 10 things you’ve accomplished that you’re proud of Be yourself not who you think you’re supposed...
Reflection after 45 days of Fitness
Last night wrapped up a 45-day challenge at my gym, I have participated in this challenge before twice. (Skipped 2019) I was hesitant to sign up this year because I was scared that it would be too much since I have not felt well since early 2018. The challenge is...
Lessons from 2019…
2019 taught me acceptance, empathy, love, and rest. As I reflect from 30k feet…on my top nine. Just like you, I had many ups and downs. This year I worked very hard to shift my perspective no matter how positive or negative the situation was. I still am working on...
Top 10 ways to navigate the Holidays when you have Endometriosis.
Just say no. Please don’t feel like you have to do it all, take rest and be self-aware when you need to relax. Stop for a nap, movie, or even reading a few pages in your novel. You have to protect your boundaries, especially during this time of year. Travel. If you...
What does pain teach us?
After a week filled with high levels of physical pain, I often like to reflect on what it has taught me. My fuse feels shorter & that makes me a person I don't like. So I googled short fuse: "There may be physical reasons for your volatile mood – such as blood...
Pain changes you.
Pain changes you. All types of pain. Physical & Emotional. You have to decide HOW it changes you. For me, it’s taught me gratitude & empathy. Gratitude for what I do have vs things I don’t. Empathy for I know everyone is going through something behind closed...